Salesforce Analytics API Sample Code

A picture is worth a thousand words, so goes the justification for graphic novels. I kid, I love the hell out of graphic novels but now I’ve been sidetracked and this is only the second sentence of this post. So, the Analytics API. I’m pretty enamoured with it as it seems is Pat Patterson, and I think that it’s one of the most useful features the platform has ever made available. Presenting the right chart (or set of charts) to a manager or executive can empower them to make business decision in minutes, powerful stuff. To that end myself and a few of my fellow Tquilites have begun building an opensource library of Analytics API demos to aid you in aiding your clients/managers/execs. Below I’ve included a few introductory steps to help you get started. To start with you’ll need the code from github. Step 0 I’ll be stepping through …

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