Voodoo – A Todo list that demos the power of KnockoutJS

This small demo app will demonstrate the usage and power of JavaScript MVC frameworks and in particular KnockoutJS. You can learn more about the framework through the tutorials on the KO site. I will gloss over some of the details but you can learn more in framework documentation. My goal here is to give you a high-level sense of what’s possible. The picture along side shows what we’re building. You can find the demo here and the full sourcecode here. The HTML Strictly speaking jQuery is not required for KO to work but it is likely that you will often include it as a helper for the framework. As alway you need to start with the static resource inclusions. [code language=”html”] <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/knockout-2.0.0.js"></script> [/code] And you’ll need a form in order to create new todo items. [code language=”html”] <form data-bind="submit: addTask" id="create-todo"> <input class="new-todo" data-bind="value: newTaskText" …

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Salesforce: A better way to work with jQuery selectors and Visualforce Component Ids

I get very sad when discussing this particular topic. There are a variety of ways of get Visualforce component Ids and using them in JavaScript but all of them keep me awake at night. Srsly. A commenter on one of my posts got me thinking about how we can do this better and I’ve come up with a way that I think is great. Hopefully you’ll agree. This post means that my older posts here and here are now retired in favour of this method. If the world was on the brink of nuclear war with no clear path to peace what could you count on to save the day? Regular Expressions of course. If a meteor the size of Pluto was about to crash into Earth and Bruce Willis was too old to land on it and blow it up what could we count on to rid us of …

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