Logging into Salesforce through the Web Interface
There are a number of ways to authenticate with the Force.com Platform and I thought I’d create a few lightning posts documenting my findingsĀ for each. The first method in this series will be logging in through the web interface. There are 2 sites that you would hit in order to authenticate: http://login.salesforce.com – for Developer Edition and Production Orgs http://test.salesforce.com – for all other sandboxes If you’re not able to log in with a username and password that you know is correct then the first port of call is to check that you’re using the correct URL above. I’ve seen many developers forget to hit ‘enter’ after swapping “test” for “login” (or vice versa) and then being puzzled because their credentials still didn’t work so don’t forget (okay by “many developers” I actually mean me). There’s also a neat trick that’s quite well-known and can be used to log you …