Salesforce: Sharing Cheat Sheet

Sharing is complex, but necessarily so. It gives you incredibly fine-grained control over data access through it’s flexibility but requires quite a deep understanding to do it properly. There are great articles out there that describe sharing in detail e.g. object and record level security An Overview of Security I don’t want to recreate what’s in those articles, instead I’m providing a short, sharp cheat sheet of the major topics you need to understand. So without further ado… Sharing Cheat Sheet Sharing Metadata Records Implicit Sharing Organisation-Wide Defaults (OWD) No Relationship Master Detail Lookup Manual Sharing Apex Managed Sharing Recalculation Choosing the Right Share Type “Traditional” / Ownership-based Sharing Rules Criteria-based Sharing Rules Apex Managed Sharing Rules Manual Sharing Rules Share Groups Sharing Sets Portals High Volume Portals (Service Cloud Portals) other portals Large Data Volumes If you’ve got any other items you think should be in this …

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the sharing model cannot be updated through the api

Now I’m sure there’s a reason for this but it makes me sad a bit. Especially when working with a team of developers. Recently I found myself in the following situation,

My team and I had been building a application and were interested in implementing an UAC model. We had setup the UAC model on one of the Orgs using profiles, roles and sharing rules(we had some issues here too) and then attempted to commit these changes into our SVN repository. Happy that things were going so well, each developer checked out the code and BHAM! we were no longer able to deploy object definitions. [Slow pan to me on my knees screaming to the heavens. A thunderbolt, then a thunderclap overhead]

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